Camille and Fleuranne Testimonial


Orphanage ” The house of hope ”; a ray of sunshine in their stay in Benin!

Camille and Fleuranne participated in the trip organized by ANAYI International for a period of 7 weeks in April 2012. They worked in an orphanage in Benin. For the first two weeks of their stay, 60 beautiful children (27 girls and 33 boys!) aged 3 to 10 were waiting for them.

60 orphans Abomey stole my heart … And Africa has taken over my life.

The kids are all amazing, we spend beautiful moments of laughs and plays. There, from morning till night we had the grace of hearing all these beautiful voices singing praises. They awoke in the morning, taking a moment with God where they sang and prayed. Every night they would gather in small groups for longer or shorter times of prayer and sharing.

We spent two weeks giving whatever we were able to, but what they needed the most were love and time. It was for us the best two weeks of our lives. And our little hearts are strongly attached to each of them. We also lived during this time all kinds of experiences that will mark our memories

Also, the last week was marked by a power outage and a water shortage. You can imagine us, two little girls washing clothes with water from the well, or all sweaty and playing with the children in the dark. Departing from the orphanage was very hard as we had developed bonds with the children. We ended up leaving with the hope of seeing them again.