Kaki project

What is a Kaki ?

Centre anayi

Kaki project

A “Kaki” is the uniform that all public-school student in Benin must wear in order to be admitted into school. In spite of the relatively inexpensive cost, equivalent to $15 Canadian, many families simply cannot afford the expense. Benin is one of the poorest countries in the world.

A widespread poverty !

Benin educational policy promises free education for the population. But in order to qualify, students are required to wear a school uniform, the Kaki.

However, children must wear the uniform: kaki.
A widespread poverty makes it difficult for many families to buy uniforms for their children, and therefore prevents them from receiving an education.
Thanks to the KAKI project, ANAYI International provides free school uniforms, and for an increasing number of students.

Your participation in the KAKI Project permits one or more students to have access to an education which otherwise would not be possible.

Your donations create wealth
The Kaki uniforms are purchased and produced locally which contributes to a financial autonomy for women and their families. It’s also contibutes to the development of the local economy and microentreprises.
You can participate ! You can get involved by making a donation of $15 per Kaki.

Helping to support the poorest families